P2 - Comprehensive Group Project

Comprehensive Event / Activity and/or Product / Service Experience Design Project

This project is a comprehensive expansion of selected empowerment projects that you researched, envisioned and developed during the first half of the semester. It will also be a group design project.

Group Project

As a group member, you will be responsible for your personal success as well as that of your group as a whole. You will receive two grades for the final projectan individual grade and a group project grade. The student groups are organized as follows:

Design Team - Maddie, Jasmine & Uriel
Design Team - Lindsey, Alicia & Thomas
Design Team - Joe, Addie & Tranna
Design Team - Jason, McKenzie & Brittany
Design Team - Lily, Neli & Kevin

The bold name in the group is the proposed design group director. Each member of the design group will be responsible for posting their individual design process and work on this project on their individual class blog. In addition, the group as a whole will also create a separate blog for the class project to post the all design process and work for the entire group project. The blog url will be wsuaddesf18-the name of your design group.blogspot.com.

As such, the first thing your group will do is identify several unique attributes of your group as a design collaborative, and then conceptualize and develop a concise mission statement to expresses your design group’s anticipated approach to design. Next, name your design group, write a positioning statement, and then create an identity for your design group, along with stationary and business cards.

Designed Experience: Event / Activity and/or Product / Service

 The second thing your group will do is review the three individual empowerment projects of your group, then choose one that you think can easily be expanded into a successful comprehensive design project, taking one of two directions: an Activity and/or Experience Design or a fully developed Product and/or Service Design.

Both directions, whether physical and/or informational will result in a designed experience that will introduce, communicate and deliver the empowering benefits to a particular audience.

Activities, experiences and spaces might include restaurants, gas stations, clothing stores, libraries, playgrounds, retail outlets, classrooms, museums, visitors centers, sports centers, etc. Products and serives might include exhibits, books, food, and clothing, etc. Your particular project might be the development of a new type of informative designed experience. The underlying requirement of the project is that the experience must be informative, beneficial, physical and/or digital visual in a designated space or place.

Project Schedule
The tentative schedule for this eight week project is as follows:

T                                                                TH
                                                                   11-   Project Launch
16-  Work in Class                                     18-   Group Identity & Project Brief Due
23-  Work in Class                                     25-  Work in Class
30-  Work in Class                                     1-    Work in Class
6-    Work in Class                                     8-    Work in Class
13-  Work in Class                                     15-  Work in Class
20-  Work in Class                                     22-  Work in Class
27-  Work in Class                                     29-  Work in Class
4-    Work in Class                                     6-    Work in Class
11-    Final Design Group Presentations