P1 - Empowering Experience

You will identity an audience who, if presented with information, will be beneficially empowered. Then you will design an innovative visual communicator which will accomplish that task. The design will be expressive of the information, experiential for the viewer and audience, and impactful in an empowering way.

The project will not only be conceived and determined by you, but also planned, organized, researched, scheduled, budgeted, designed, fabricated and presented—completely by you.

The proposed initial project schedule is as follows:
Project Launch                                     TH- 8/30
Project Parameters                              T-    9/4
Project Development                            TH  9/6 thru TH- 9/20
Final Project Due                                 TH-    9/27           

Along with the usual design process and artifacts required by any design project, you will be responsible for the following:
• A Comprehensive Design Project Brief
• A Design Budget and Project Schedule
• Researching and Compiling Project Information and Content
• Complete Design Process including –
   - Creative Conceptual Development
   - Appropriate Visual Research
   - Design Development Rough and Comprehensive Prototypes
   - A Final Design Solution
• A Prototype Presentation/Interview with an intended Sender/Audience member
• A Comprehensive Class In-Progress Critique
• A Final Problem-Solution Presentation to the Class
• A Project Time Reconciliation - Actual Time vs Estimated Time

Successful student examples of similar student empowered experienced projects may be seen at:
On Track, Body Positivity, Deal with Diabetes and Girl Smart.